Coffee in the morning, scones at tea time, a mid-afternoon snack to that last hot indulgence before we close our eyes at night.
None would not be possible without Dairy Corp milk.
Dairy products are a daily necessity. For cooking, baking, entertaining to the office and restaurants, whatever your lifestyle or activities, Dairy Corp provides superior dairy products to suit your every day needs.
In Our Factory
At Dairy Corp we have only one focus. Yes, we supply high-quality milk that is fresh to the last drop. That is our job. But our aim is to turn your daily supply of fresh milk and dairy products into a joyful necessity. Milk and other dairy products are a staple in most homes, from breakfast to cooking and baking and that last glass of milk before bedtime.
Contact Us
051 523 3980
7 Kwagga Street
Thys Goosen–082 091 5157
15 Industria Road
Eugene–072 349 0739
13 10th Street